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Caesa Salad Girls
Connie <3


March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008

Friday, April 28, 2006 { 5:26 AM }

And fun indeed it was. The five of us, Hui Ying, Sam, Steph, Emily and I, were up and about town (Bangsar, to be exact) for a much needed night out. A night to put aside our emo-ness, to forget the bitches that try to wreck our lives, to forget uni, to welcome the long weekend and just to be girls, dress up and have a blast.

First stop, La Bodega sounds so much nicer than "Chilli's" (our 2nd option) don't you think? *grin* Everyone wanted a cocktail, I suggested a mocktail for myself but the four insisted I had a cocktail, some (actually, ALL of them *grrr*) even had evil thoughts of getting me drunk (fat hope! lol). We ordered "sea breeze", vodka, cranberry juice and lemon, and toasted to first class honours LOL.

We were loud even before the drinks kicked in; laughing, screaming and chatting the night away. We were so loud to the extent that the neighbouring table had to cheers "yammmm senggggg" to the drinks just to cut off attention to us having fun. Pfft sore losers! The food was excellent, portion - miniscule but satisfying none the less. I love the mutton meatballs and buttered mushrooms most.

I tell you it pays to go out with hot girls. The bartender offered us a whole jug of "Sangria", no idea what's in it but heck it's free. The four of them drank it and had Sangria breath the entire night. It's entirely up to you to judge if that's good or bad haha. But main point, we got a free jug of drinks. Refer to pic below. Pink drink - Sky Breeze. Dark Coloured drink - Sangria. It pays I tell you.

After dinner, we went for a play. Habeus Corpus. It's a comedy about bust enhancers, medical practitioners, affairs, marriage and a whole lot more. Some snips of the play in motion.

There was a 15 minute intermission. Being girls and cam f-ing whores we grabbed the chance to take more pictures.

Phew~ that's more pictures to last till the next few posts. But pictures always make a good post don't you agree? The night out was in general wonderful! The company, the drinks, the food, the play, what more could you want. It's for certain that there will be more nights like these to come.

After Steph left for home, we ended the night we a walk in the nearby pasar malam. Perfect end to a flawless night.

And for once, we forgot all our troubles and sorrows.. the company was supercallifragiolistiaspialidocious. Our gap went from closer to non-existent. I feel like I've found my KL fun!

Thanks girls.

And to my girls scattered everywhere else; Shuv, Eve, Wc and Ades. I miss you =)

Sunday, April 23, 2006 { 5:00 AM }

metamorphosis / met-uh-mor-fuh-ssis / .n
1. the transformation of an insect of amphibian from an immature form or larva to an adult form. 2. a change in for or nature.

Butterflies are pretty and girly, that I do not deny. But reasons for my liking them differs. Butterflies signify a lot more than that. Change. Freedom. Growth. The new layout represent a my growing up. My entry into the adult world, where I am no longer the 10 year old girl that needed constant cajouling, the 12 year old who stayed close to home, the 15 year old who made reckless decisions or the 18 year old that was just, down right ignorant.

So yes.. I'm all grown up, able to make my own decisions and be responsible for them. I want to be an individual, and not follow the blind masses. I want a life that I can proudly say is mine, one that is not constricted or influenced by anyone/person/thing but me. But how I miss the days where the weight of responsibility didn't drown me or burden me, where my eyes didnt see what I have seen, where I was protected and unexposed, where what I knew was within a safely lighted circle. There, metamorphosis for you.

On a lighter note, most of my classmates have crossed the border and made it into my realm of very special friends. That, I must congratulate them. *yayyyy* =D Going to school seems much less of a drag now, having people to look forward to meeting.Thank You! Everyone is a bottle of multi-coloured rock candy, sweet and so much fun. Not one dull soul, I tell you. Things are starting to brighten up, I believe. And not a moment too late too.

Have you noticed that I always seem to be on the right side of 'two people' pictures. Hmm~

Thursday, April 20, 2006 { 7:58 AM }

Have you ever taken a night flight to wherever? If you haven't, you should. Even I, the plane phopic person did not miss a chance to take the window seat. The lights down below were just so captivating and in that instant you really know how many people 24million (Malaysia's population) really is. The flicker and blink like glitter specks on a piece of black cardboard. And when looking you try to search for a familiar pattern like lying on green, green grass and cloud viewing except from a different angle. It's truly captivating. I love night flights minus the nausea and agonising throbbing in my head that I always get from being 2000feet in the air.

I'm back in KL. Leaving hurts. I don't think I'll ever get used to coming and going from him like that. Please tell me where the good is in goodbye?

It's the weekend. I'm back for the weekend for a purpose. That purpose will be revealed in the next post if things go according to plan.

The one person I can't bear to leave. I miss him already. Suck it up and smile, as always.

My boyfriend is yummy shirt-less. And you wonder why I love watching him play ball. tsk

The one thing that KL lacks. I brought back a box hahaha.

Saturday, April 15, 2006 { 11:00 PM }

Have you ever wanted to write a post but have your thoughts all scattered like m & m's in a rice field. That's how I feel most of the time; wanting to post but have so many things seeping through my brain cells. So from now on, all my posts will be extremely random and zip from one page to another.

I know I said I'd post only on the 20th (or later, knowing me) but I'm afraid I'll want to enter so many things that it'll just be like reading a bloody long entry.

I went to a birthday party, Friday night. It was.. really.. good?! I can't seem to find the right word(s) and it'll be horrible to insult someone's birthday party so I guess "good" could be the right stand in. It was a private party but the crowd I felt got out of control. The invitees brought guests and it was as if everyone were there. Everyone who's anyone. The beer was flowing like the Niagra, then came the Chivas Regals and the white and red wines. To a greater extreme came the sweets and the greens.

There was music, you could here the bass from the car park down below. The crowd was a very trance-techno crowd. They wanted to put their sugar to good use. The DJ played rubbish, he jumped from Sandstorm to bootyshakin' Beyonce to bang your head rock ala Give It To Me Baby. I would have done a better job and I'm not even that great. To make matters worse, the sound system sucked baby powder, the discs were jumpy and the transition from one song to another was just down right terrible (imagine quiet intervals in betweeen). It was undeniable that when a good song was played everyone enjoyed it completely.

When I said crowd went over board I meant 15, 16 year old girls and boys were there trying to give out the impression that they're pro clubbers. The way the drinked, the way they walked, they way they talked and the way they dance. Anyone would have guessed that it was just empty canon show. The guys stripped each other's shirts and whats worse is that the stripee didn't refuse and he/they don't even realise that they're making complete fools of themselves. They're the younger group of the crowd, giving off a very bad vibe that they're cool-wannabes. The younger girls were shakin' like they just popped, which I seriously doubted they did. The amateur part of teh crowd showed real standard. They smoked, drank, laughed, danced like a clubber.

What is coming of our generation that we always fail to show a standard above ourselves. We're in pursuit of euphoric fun that leads us no where, making us a complete fool of ourselves.

My week's almost up. It's quite sad actually to leave my comfort zone and go back to reality. I'm unsure and the uncertainty is killing. I don't know if I believe that I own my destiny or that of a higher authority has planned everything out for me. I place my education top priority because I know what I can have with it and what I can have without it. I want a good life, for me, my husband and kids. I want to retire soon and travel the world. I want to visit the children and women in need. I want to end poverty, racism, AIDS. I want to set up my own non-profit organisation although I have yet to find a good cause to support. All the causes are good and are worth my time. My wants are endless.

Happy Easter. May this Easter remind us that we are all sinners. Is this what you really want? You do it in the name of 'fun' but when you get home what are you really thinking?

My long, long hair.

My long hair pretending to be short.

No shit! Not pretending no more, I cut my hair.

Friday, April 07, 2006 { 11:51 PM }

I've never been too emo or "depressed". But when it comes, it comes like the raging fury of destruction. Then again, I often wonder if I suppress these feelings too quickly and live in denial that I'm not at all "depressed".

Women do the stupidest things for the man they love. Have you not felt trapped, like you're in a time warp zone that you can never seen tro escape? Have you not felt silenced, like your opinions do not matter? Have you not felt pain, like the skin scraping kind but worse? Have you not felt useless and incapable of doing things right?

Even after so long of being with him, we seem to be going in circles. We seem to be right back where we started. I thought I could at least be a pro on mind games, guilt trips and what not but it seems as though I too have no answer.

Why is it that even after so long we just can't seem to get out element of trust right?. We, well he actually, says "he trusts me" but does he really or are they just words? Or does he not know the meaning of the word or simply underestimates it?

I would say that he'd trust me only when he can depend on me to make good decisions without having to refer to him and depend on me to be loyal and depend on me to have a night of fun without crossing the line and depend on me to have male friends and depend on me to know what I'm doing.

The word "love" is so underrated and over used. I've seen 13 year olds telling their partners that they love them. It's sweet but again a mis-use of the word. I know I mean it when I say it. But does he know that I mean it or is he merely thinking that I'm just "saying" it. Because his actions show me otherwise.

Why should we, the women, be silenced? Why should we be controlled? If you say you trust us then DO IT. Just trust me. Are we not allowed to have fun in the absence of our partners? We're expected to not be rude, not to raise our voices, be gentle and talk with an air of respect. But have we received that in return?

Why is it that they cannot escape?

In out moment of anger and fury, we focus too much on the bad, let us not forget the good that has been given. We cannot use the "bad" to cover up all the good that has happened, and conclude that we have a "bad" relationship. And time and time again hope for the better. Find out the meaning of "hope", don't let it just be another word.

I'm slipping, what hurts the most is you're not holding on to me.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006 { 1:46 AM }

Bring on the week! I'm sure everyone is anticipating, just as I am, for the week to end or rather, BEGIN. Then we'll probably soak and absorb ourselves in things we do best.

As for me I will be going home, indulging myself in lovely dearly missed Bruneian food, TV (i'm astro deprived), the movies, rummy, friends and just lazing around and enjoying my 11 day break with my boyfriend. Could you say 'bliss'?

I couldn't think of a particular topic so this is all just a very random, for-the-sake-of-posting post. I've been indulging in a heck load of alternative (as in the music genre) lately. Fall out boy, Nada Surf, Jummy Eat World, The Killers, Story of the Year and the likes. Alternative music has the most reflective lyrics ever. It's very analogical (?!).

I will be so happy once the week is over. In case you don't know, I have 6 things due/to complete this week.

  1. Contract Non Assessed Work
  2. Tort Non Assessed Work
  3. Tort Tutorial
  4. Criminal Tutorial
  5. Legal Skills Presentation
  6. LAN Presentation

woohoo~ don't you just live the life of a law student. On a happier note, everyone in class seems to be more.. intergrated now. As opposed to the boy vs girl segregation plan in the beginning of the year. And yes everyone is nice.. so happy happy. I've been contemplating on whether to mention this on my post but what the heck I'm entitled to vent!

There's this guy in class (we'll call him smirknoff, haha I'm so original). Anyway, Smirknoff was asking this other person whether he could stay to watch our presentation. I just waved my pen at him and in a mockingly arrogant tone said "Of course not!, It's not like we want to see your presentation". He stood up and in the midst of storming off said "Well it's not like you couldn't, so that's your problem" or something of the like. And i was just... pfft.

He claimes he was undergoing some sort of change to be a better person and shit. Before he was just a real smirknoff la. But I was ready to give him the chance, making conversation and all. I guess this proves a leopard will never change its spots! SO THERE Smirknoff!

I'm tired, over exhausted and drenched of every drop of brain intellect and juice I have. I look forward to the end of this bloody horrifcly never ending week. Aside from that all's good.

Do you turn off your tap while brushing your teeth?

Do you leave your airconditioner on 24/7?

Do you waste paper by printing copies and copies of errornous assignment?

Do you litter the beautiful rivers, roads and parks?

Do you make your driver go numerous trips for minute reasons?

We will die if the earth does. Go to your school's printer and just see how much paper is used up in a day. How many of your assignments are printed over and over to to perfect it? We're becoming brown, grey and ugly.Green Peace people.


Saturday, April 01, 2006 { 5:05 AM }

Today being April Fools, instead of being prankster, I was victim to a very well played out, down right dirty prank. I was punk'd. Big time. The joke:

A and G told me and N that V called them and said that K (a friend) got into an accident and asked if we wanted to go see him in the hospital. N and I (me, not another person with that initial) were shocked and agreed to go see K. Later G paused and asked A if it were possible that V was playing a joke since it being April Fools and all. We all paused and said that it was possible. I called K just to double check and he said he was not in the hospital and that he was out. A suggested N or I call V and scold the daylights out of him. N had no credit so I had to do the dirty work (and eventually suffer the embarassment, who ask me to be so kaypoh!). I called V scolded him like mad asking him what kind of a prank was that to actually say something about someone having an accident. He was in denial of the whole thing and asked to talk to A. A took the phone they had their guy talk of swearing and insults and hung up.

The Great Revelation

A told N and I that there was no accident and he made the whole thing up. V was an innocent party who knew nothing and that I scolded him for something that A made up ie. V did not make up the accident, A did and put the blame on V hoping that either N or I would scold the heck out of him.

I was punk'd. You got me haha. Good one though Mr. A.

I will get you back April Fools or not!

Today was a real breathtaker. I took a break from all my work, went to catch a horror movie "When A Stranger Calls". I'd rate it a 2/10 so please do not go watch it. It just poor in screenplay, poor in directing, the story line sucked and we only got to SEE so little of the psycho. It was a waste of time and money. But I got to indulge with friends and cleared my little cloudy doubts of my work and it was overall a rather productive day.

There was a wedding exhibition on. There were beautiful dresses and I saw pearl necklaces that I wanted. They're not grandma okay, they're classic beautiful pearls. I've always knew I would get married young.. No you don't get it. I mean YOUNG like 21 young.. well maybe 22 la lol. I've always wanted kids and a family and a good life. It's not too far away. So friends, be expecting an invitation REALLL soon and girls who mean the world to me be expecting bridesmaid responsibility. I'm dreaming okay. But it's a sweet dream. Don't wake me up. But honestly, if all goes according to plan.. soon.
